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Buyers Your Way

An online shopping solution to market your inventory to credit union car buyers

Be There When Customers Start Their Search Online

AutoSMART® is a digital retail solution designed to promote your dealership’s inventory while connecting your team with engaged and pre-approved buyers in your region. With over two million vehicles online, and a network of millions of credit union members, AutoSMART is the premier auto-shopping destination.

With AutoSMART, you’ll have access to advanced features like:

  • Powerful comparison tools to showcase competitive price points
  • DealerRater® integration to leverage your ratings and instill confidence
  • Enhanced listing visibility, brand reach and strategic advertising with AutoSMART PLUS and Spotlight Ads
  • Buyer Purchase Certificates to increase shopper retention rates

Spotlight Ads: Enhanced Visibility

Maximize your listing exposure to AutoSMART’s network of credit union shoppers with Spotlight Ads. Now you can showcase vehicles through prominent ads on top of every search result page with the ability for real-time updates as they’re sold.

AutoSMART PLUS: More Opportunities

You’ve worked hard to create a dealership experience that stands apart from the rest. AutoSMART PLUS enables you to do the same thing online. It’s all the benefits of AutoSMART, but with advanced digital marketing features to increase listing visibility, drive brand positioning, and improve your online shopping experience.

VDP & Inventory Management

The enhanced Vehicle Detail Page will show additional OEM content highlighting the most desirable features and options on your cars, as well as safety & warranty information, technical specifications, and rebates available. Near real-time inventory updates ensure the most accurate information is displayed. Additionally, our inventory management tools enable you to understand detailed pricing and market conditions and ensure that you are pricing your vehicles competitively.


Say “Hello” to the new CUDL Brand

For more than 25 years, the CUDL brand has been a driving force in helping dealerships close more deals. And now, we’re excited to share the NEW CUDL brand— rooted in a customer-first philosophy. Head to our website now to experience the new look…

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